Speakers/New Members
The PLRC has hosted a rich cohort of prominent speakers for most of its existence. Recent examples include:
* Capt. Kenneth R. Franklin, Director of San Diego's former SpaWar cyber-     security facility, now known as the Naval Information Warfare Systems

* Capt. Tim Quast, Commanding Officer of the USS Mercy, a Navy hospital     ship that has served as an emergency Covid-19 hospital;
* Shawn Dixon, Chief Operating Officer of the San Diego Zoo;
* Matthew Dobbs, public liaison for the San Diego Police Homicide Department; and 
* Nora Vargas, San Diego County Board of Supervisors.   
* Doctor Lindsey Yourman, Chief County Geriatric Officer. She is the first county Geriatric Officer in California and the nation. Click here, for her comprehensive listing of the county's numerous services for elder county residents.  

Pictured above is Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, (now former) Counsel General of Mexico for San Diego receiving the Ride the highly coveted Ride the Point hat from the PLRClub−with club President Gus Goldau (Dec. 2021). Pictured right is the lively cohort of club members−in- cluding (former) Membership Chair Donna Wilder (second from the right), while posing with the newly cerificated members Lloyd and Connie Weaver (Aug. 2022). |

For current weekly/monthly speaker information, click here. 
Starting in 2021, the PLRC launched an adjunct speaker program for its Friday club membership meetings. Local entrepreneurs thus share their expertise to benefit club members, while introducing the PLRC to potential members.
The Care Court presentation (pictured right) was delivered by two San Diego Legal Aid Society lawyers. Generally, the club no longer engages zoom speakers. An exception was made for a speaker's Covid diagnosis.   

 In January 2024, Port Commissioner Chairman Rafael Cas-
 tellanos spoke about the Commission's vast responsibilities   for all of the port coastline and facilities that we often enjoy.  
 One commissioner is appointed by each of the city councils of Chula Vista, Coronado, Imperial Beach and National City. Three commissioners are appointed by the San Diego City Council. The Board establishes policies under which the Port's staff—supervised by the President and Chief Executive Officer—conducts its daily operations.                                                             Photo (right) by MandyHavlik  
In March 2024, Deputy Dis-
trict Attorney Steve Spinella spoke about Crime
-Fraud Prevention. He serves in the Consumer Protection and 
Asset Forfeiture units. Presi-
dent-Elect Lloyd Weaver then
presented Steve with a token of the club's appreciation for his excellent coverage of this important topic.

Photo (left) by Gus Goldau
Club President Debra Gookin had previously posted the above two photos of how to report such matters to the proper authorities. (Editor's reminder: You can enlarge text by clicking Ctrl+.)   
Ukrainian Mines to Vines Recovery Project and the Honor Flight San Diego Project
Two speakers captivated the Point Loma Rotary Club April 12, 2024 assem- bly. Ukraine’s Georgiy Molchanov spoke about the Rotary Global Grant Mines to Vines Project.* Saundra Cima then spoke about the Honor Flight San Diego Project.**
The vineyards of the members of the Association of Winemakers of the Black Sea region will be surveyed and cleaned of the dangerously explosive substances. Creation of the production facilities for joint use by the Associ- ation members is related to the production of food products such as cheeses, vegetables, honey, and fruits includes the necessary equipment for storage, cooling, grape processing, and winemaking. 

There will be a School of Winemakers. On the basis of anticipated production capacities in Ukraine, each winemaker of the Association will be able to undergo training, process grapes, and make and bottle his own wines or wines under the association's label. Starting a demonstration site fair, where everyone can taste the products of the region and buy them, will conclude contracts with farmers for the supply of products. That program feature will result in an annual festival that is tied to Ukraine’s wine harvest. A group of project participants are now making vocational trips to the USA (California). They will have a chance to digest knowledge of modern winemaking and build professional connec- tions.
* Edited version compiled from Rotary District 2232 Mines to Vines Recovery Project. Further detail is available at:
Honor Flight San Diego (HFSD) is a branch of the nationwide Honor Flight
Network. There are over 130 independent such hubs across America. HFSD escorts veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials to them, using monies donated by individuals, foundations, associations, business owners. and corporations. All of them thus recognize our veterans’ contributions, and thank them for their service. Top priority for our trips is given to the most senior veterans─and to veterans who have terminal illnesses. Honor Flight San Diego is a non-profit organization.                                                                                                               
With hundreds of World War II veterans passing away each day, the opportunity to express our sin-    cere thanks to these brave men and women is running out. Our Korea War veterans were called to
serve in what is called “The Forgotten War.” The Vietnam War veterans fought in an unpopular war. They did what their government asked of them. Their country did not always support the war effort or their service and sacrifice. Now we have the opportunity to thank these veterans and give them a welcome home that is  50 years overdue.
We say thank you to all of our veterans and extend a special thanks to our most senior veterans for their dedication and commitment.
** Edited version compiled from HFSD website at: <https://www.honorflightsandiego.org/about>.
PLRC members Rob Cenko, Rich Stakelum (not
pictured), and Bill Slomanson subsequently at- tended the April 28, 2024 Honor Flight San Diego event. 
                                                                        Pictured top right is the escalator, where the re-
turning ambulatory Navy Seals descended to the unexpected sounds of cheering, patriotic music and a sea of flags. The bottom right photo pictures the assembled Navy Honor Guard, whose members asked Bill to join them during their welcom- ing back of San Diego's active duty and retired Navy Seals.
These veterans served as SWO---Navy Special Warfare Operators in Korea and Viet Nam. One Navy veteran was quoted in the SDUT as saying: "I'm overwhelmed. We just didn't expect it. Makes my heart swell up and makes me want to cry."   
Summer Stephan (May 2024)  
Mission: As explained by the “D.A,” the District Attorney’s Office promotes three distinct missions: prosecuting crimes, protecting victims, and pre-venting crimes. Ms. Stephan’s 1000-person staff thus facilitates these miss- ions in a host of ways. Her attorneys prosecute felony crimes committed in the County; they are dedicated to the pursuit of truth, justice, and protec- tion of the innocent; represent the District Attorney’s Office on the Behav- ioral Health Court, Central and East County Drug Courts, Reentry Court, Veteran’s Treatment Court, Homeless Court, and Veterans Stand Down.    

Prop 47: This well-intended law spawned unintended consequences. It re-
classified many felonies as misdemeanors to support the goal of prison pop-
ulation reduction. It thus increased the amount for felony shoplifting crime
to $950. It is premised upon a per-incident, rather than per-day timeframe. That motivates mini-crime bosses and their foot soldiers to engage in “smash and grab” crimes on multiple occasions each day.                                                                                                       
D.A. Summer Stephan’s lively presentation amply illustrated why she has amassed so many awards  and recognitions during her tenure as a model San Diego County prosecutor.

Robert Burns
… also known as Rabbie Burns. He was a Scottish poet
and lyricist. He is  widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He was born on January 25, 1759, in Alloway, United Kingdom. He died 1796. He is also famous for his amours and his rebellion against orthodox religion and  and morality.

On the occasion of his 266th birthday, PLRC 
members were treated to a "traditional" annual celebration at its January 25, 2025 meeting. The event consisted of the rendering of Burns themes by a professional Burns actor, bagpipes, scotch, the indispensable meat dish Haggis, and the club’s carrying the Rabbie Burns reputation for- ward by toasting and singing his most famous poem/song
Auld Lang Syne (Times Long Past).    

Among the most memorable segments of this raucous gathering were the dueling-banjo Lloyd and Connie Weaver Lassie and Laddie speeches.  

Finally, one should not loose sight of the important detail that whether the Scottish garb employed is "traditional" depends upon the discretion of the Laddie.                                                                                                     
Photos by Bill S 
                                                                                City Attorney Heather Herbert captivated club members in January 2025 with her rendition of the significant role that she and her staff play in our daily lives. 
The City Attorney provides advice to the City and each of its departments, including the City Council and Mayor. This 400-hundred-person staff prosecutes or defends civil lawsuits in which the City is a party. The City Attorney also prosecutes criminal misdemeanors and infractions committed within her jurisdiction.                                                          Photo by Bill S
Visiting Rotarian Emeritus
Max Gurney is no stranger to the PLRC. He is an emeritus member of the La Jolla Rotary Club. But PLRC club member Tim McCully has escorted this 103-year-old distinguished Rotarian to a number of prior PLRC meetings. 

On this occasion (July 12, 2024), Tim masterfully recounted their joint jour- ney to the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing at Normandy, France (and beyond). This event has been the subject of numerous films and books about the invasion that led to the Allied victory in WWII. 

PLRC club members were treated to an almost in-person virtual tour of this widely heralded anniversary. Both Rotarians thus personalized their inspirational trip which honored our WWII veterans. The attendee average age was 101! Max is pictured with Wendy Calderon of the local VFW branch.

A 2023 Memorial Day event yielded yet an earlier opportunity to honor the
PLRC's adopted visitor, Max Gurney. Rotarians from across the county parti- cipated in a special tribute to our fallen heroes at the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial. The day was highlighted by hearing Vice Admiral Kenneth White- sell talk about heroes from times past. The admiral thus  thus recognized our adopted Rotarian. Afterwards, San Diego's Mayor Todd Gloria intro- duced himself to Max for a quick photo opportunity.
 MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS                                           New Members:
“Rotary Club” means a local club of business and professional men and women. It is a member of the world-wide organization of similar clubs (Rotary International). These clubs are devoted to serving local, regional, or international communities with a view toward promoting world peace. One can become a Rotary member by expressing your interest. If you know someone in one or more of the various clubs in San Diego, ask to be invited to a meeting. Your host will give you an application at the meeting. Alternatively, you can fill out the application contact form, then attend a meeting. You can thereafter click on the New Member page.
Costs: You are encouraged to attend a meeting at a club, or clubs, in which you have an interest in joining. PLRC quarterly dues−shared with both the Rotary's District and International Rotary arms− are $165.00. You normally will not be charged for attending your first meeting, depending on each club’s visitor policy. A member's luncheon costs $20.00. Non-Rotary visitors are charged $35 per meal. The meals are buffet style with options to fit most diets.
From Red to Blue Badge. You will be issued a red badge, with your name and professional identity, upon joining the Point Loma Rotary Club. After taking several steps, you will then be issued a replacement blue badge− designating you as an Ac tive Member. Pictured here are Gina Varissimo, her daughter & club member Margaret Varissimo−receiving her blue Active Membership badge−with former club President Gus Goldau. 
Rotary Dashboard. Prospective members can visit Rotary's worldwide webpage. It answers questions one might ask before joining. Members who are new or seasoned can learn more about the Rotary experience via the My Rotary Member Dashboard. It is the online venue for Rotary      Photo by Leon Scales
members to access tools and information that will improve their membership
experience. See, e.g., the Member Center on the Dashboard website.

November 2024 Inductees
The PLRC continues to
enjoy the influx of new
and engaged members. Pictured from left to right are: Maureen O'Brien, sponsored by Judy Byram; Brady Farmer, sponsored by Rob Cenko (far right), then Debra Gookin; Sandra Clifton, sponsored by James  Morr-                Photos by Bill S
ison (not pictured); Club President Lloyd Weaver; Nalika Lekamge-Newsome, sponsored by Lloyd Weaver; and Ali Brown, sponsored by Rob Cenko. Andy Hollingworth, sponsored by Bob Baker and pictured left, was subsequently inducted. The PLRC is blessed to have inducted this cohort of new

January 2025 Inductees