Socials / Mixers
On March 11, 2022, the PLRC conducted its 19th annual Comedy Night. It benefits vital local charities. They assist future leaders from Point Loma schools, seniors, and critical international programs−in cluding Shelter Boxes for survivors of disasters across the globe. (See PLRC's above Shelter Box program.) 
This event featured several professional comedians. Comedy Night is an ideal opportunity for club members to gather for an evening filled with great humor. It will once again be emceed by the PLRC's lone Honorary Member, Tony Calabrese (pictured left). He is back again, as our inspiration, event creator, talent scout, and master of cere- monies. Tony is an immensely popular and award-winning comedian.
Point Loma Rotary Club contributes all the proceeds of every Comedy Night to member supported club programs. In addition to public sales, each PLRC member is asked to sell $200 worth of tickets. The various donation levels include GOLD: $50 ▪ Name and a full-page   ad in the event program ▪ Company Banner to be display-ed displayed on the stage as guests are   seated ▪ The opportunity to distri- bute promotional items to audience members ▪ Prominent name   recognition on all event publicity, and ▪ Five tickets with VIP reserved seating ($125 value).  SILVER:  $250 ▪ Prominent name and logo re- cognition ▪ A on flyers distributed throughout ▪ Name   and a full-page ad in the event program ▪ Com- pany Banner to be displayed on the stage Half Page   ad in the event  program ▪ Four tickets ($100 value). BRONZE: $100 ▪ A Quarter Page ad in the   program ▪ Two tickets ($50 value). SUPPORTER: $5. Donations are tax-deductible. 
Tony is currently the PLRC's only Honorary Member. He has hosted the club's Comedy Night for two decades. As a thank you, Gus Goldau and Dick Thorn presented Tony with this plaque on behalf of a grateful PLRC in March 2022.    

The event venue is the United Portuguese S.E.S. Hall, 2818 Avenida de Portugal, Point Loma, San Diego, CA 92106 (pictured left). The outer parking area gates open at 7:00 PM. The program begins at 8:00 PM.  
Kerri and Dave De Rosier have been involved with the PLSC since its 2001 debut. Kerri has worn many hats, program producer, volunteer coordinator, marketing director and then in 2018 took over as chair. Dave has been field set up director as well as emcee since 2007. Kerri and Dave have handed the concerts off to a wonderful team for 2024. Dave (pictured left) has been the emcee since 2007. A tranche of PLSC-associated memo- ries are collated in the 2011 picture section of this website’s Memories link.
PLSC means five fun-filled evenings of music and community spirit at the Point Loma Summer Concerts venue on Optimists Field/Point Loma Park, located at Catalina and Verona. PLSC has been scouting and securing prominent bands to entertain the Point Loma community since 2001.

Concerts over the last several decades have been increasingly successful.
All of them have been possible, because of the generosity of sponsors---including the PLRC. This annual concert series It has grown into one of the biggest volunteer-run community concert series in San Diego. It boasts an average concert attendance of more than 3,500 fans. Pictured right is Karla Lapic. She accepted the PLRC’s 2024 sponsoring check at an April 2024 PLRC luncheon meeting.
The world’s largest beer festival, Munich Germany's
“Oktoberfest 2020," was canceled. San Diego’s alterna- tive, the Point Loma Rotary Club's Octoberfest, is sec- ond to none. Most of PLRC's 2023 cohort is pictured left. As Lloyd Weaver remarked: “It was a wonderful party! Thank you, Shannon, for hosting. We needed more costumes!” Two of the 2022 Costume Czars  Gus Goldau, in his Washington Commanders regalia−and  Lloyd Weaver, the Harry Potter grandfather who lived.

The third contender for Best Costume, in both 2022 and 2023, was Dick
Thorn, doing The Bavarian Chicken Dance with former PLRC President Karin Haggard (left). As Dick put it: "This was truly a fun evening. Good friends, great food, and live entertainment. Who knew we had singers? Thank you, Shannon." His 2023 version may have pushed his Best Costume candidacy over the top.

Judy Byram no doubt won Best Quote: “Shannon Osborne's Hofbräuhaus   ist wunderbar für Oktoberfest! Many thanks to Shannon (and her late husband Ken) for so many fun
 years−and to Dick Thorn for inspiring the Chicken Dance in lederhosen!” 

Hostess Extraordinaire Shannon Osborne is herein surrounded by her Court! Gus Goldau's reaction was that "the PLRC Octoberfest is always a fun event. Good costumes, good food, and libations. The original music is a novelty that was introduced last year. It will hopefully continue."                                                                                       
The Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young cover band is pictured left. As fiddler James Morrison advises: “Our group’s name is Roseville−named after the Point Loma neigh- borhood, originally home to Portuguese fishermen.
                                        Photos by Bill S

This year's festivities are best summed up via the
following member quotes, presented in order of submission:
Gus: “Thank you Ray for another wonderful Christmas party. I so much enjoyed the food and conversation. They competed against the house for the most memorable ingredient of this most memorable celebration.” 
* Lloyd: “The holiday party was a grand success The food, drink, and merriment were enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the committee members and volunteers who helped make the event such a success.”
* James: “What a great way to start the holiday season via outstanding food and great fellow- ship.” 
* Angie: “It was a night filled with warmth,  cheer, and the incred-ible spirit of the Point Loma Rotary family!”
* Ray: “Rotarians do their best work when at play─and play we did at this year's Holiday Party. It was an honor to have hosted this annual  event.”
*Dave L: “The party was every bit the great event Cheryl and I have come to expect after 28 years with PLRC. It was 
great to talk to other members, without the press of meeting business.”     
Karen: "The fire was warm and the friendly con- versations were warmer!"                                                                                  Photos by Bill S
Once again, Ray Volker graciously hosted the PLRC’s annual Christmas party at his extraordinary residence. The event was well attended−and well stocked with food furnished by the club and various members. Given the geo-political trauma dominating the news media, this was a welcomed opportunity to share an evening of well wishes and camaraderie. Club members celebrated the blessed nature of the holiday season, on this not-so-silent night, via the cheerful chorus led by Lloyd Weaver.
DISTRICT 5340 SOCIALS                                                                                                                 
The District Governor hosts periodic district-wide mixers. Their objective is to introduce Rotary to potential members. The first 2022 event was held in North County. The second was located at the Legacy Hotel-Convention Center in Mission Valley.  
District (and PLRC) PLRC mixers and social events often forge life-long friendships. They facilitate a collective view that we all should serve and give back to others. Together, we enjoy drinking and din- ing, with a diverse group of like-minded good Samaritans−whose underlying raison d'ê·tre is raising funds for multiple philanthropic causes. Members also graciously open their homes to provide an enjoyable evening of food, drink, and lively conversation with club   members and families.