Club members are asked to donate four hours of their time to various designated projects. See, for example, the installation of the PLRC Rotarian clock at Liberty Station−pictured left, with our club members in their RAWD t-shirts. (See also Rotary Clock Tower project, described in the above PLRC Sightings link.)

The other photo (right) was taken on the Ocean Beach SeaWorld Drive entrance. PLRC club members work- ed there over a two-year span (2007-2008) to help beautify that en- trance. Former member Pete Hedley's most helpful grandchildren posed in front of the banner. Both photos were taken by Judy Byram −then Club Photographer and Community Service Director.
On February 25, 2022, Point Loma Association (PLA) Historian Maureen Summers was the PLRC Rot- ary luncheon speaker. She rekindled the PLA-PLRC connection by including various pictures in her
presentation. Club member Dave de Rosier’s wife Kerri penned the description of the Utility Box Pro- ject that she and Dave devised in Summer 2011. The following is an edited version of he
r account: The PLRC was looking for a new project for its annual Rotarians at Work Day. Kerri asked Dave if the club would consider prepping boxes for the up- coming utility box project−and cleaning existing boxes. That theme morph- ed into dedicating a box to various area service clubs for their work. PLRC sponsored this box at Catalina and Talbot.
On cleanup/prep day, the PLA divided the individual box sponsors into four teams. Each group proceeded to work with buckets, blue tape, rollers, paint brushes, Goo Gone, Simple Green, scrub brushes, and sponges. Dave and Kerri delivered water to the troops. The teams prepping the boxes had to first clean boxes (several are pictured right), let them dry, then come back and prime them. As Kerri remarked: “They did a terrific job, and we thank
them!” Pictured right is the artist, Julia Anderson. Photo by Kerri de Rosier

spaces, and performed needed maintenance for
our community, at the selected locations on this webpage.
This annual labor of love has been a robust event that has spawned the re-emergence of our spring revitalization of the PLRC, recruitment of new
members, and the generation of positive publicity.

Pictured above right, Debra works while Dick and Gus supervise.
(April 27, 2024), our club president invited us to join
Rotarians around the world to roll up our sleeves for a community service project. We built backpack-holding racks for Point Loma's Cabrillo Elementary School students.
All photos by Margaret Va

On the right, you can observe the finished product. In due course, all the newly hooked boards will subse- quently be mounted in a classroom at the school. All photos by Margaret Varrisimo & Bill S