All blue-colored terms provide links to the related narratives.
About Us editorial content © PLRC.
The PLRC was founded on April 17, 1950. It was incorporated in 1952. Click here for its day-to-day Club Bylaws (as of 2016).
The PLRC was founded on April 17, 1950. It was incorporated in 1952. Click here for its day-to-day Club Bylaws (as of 2016).

mbers have visited or hosted Rotary members from 56 other US clubs−from Hawaii to Florida−and from 35 countries and overseas territories. Click here for an alphabetical listing of those 125 locations. The flags from most of those Rotary venues appear in the adjacent photo by Gus Goldau and Peter Phillips. Pictured below are Ukraine’s
Georgiy Molchanov and PLRC club president Debra Gookin exchanging club flags.

Georgiy Molchanov and PLRC club president Debra Gookin exchanging club flags.
As the PLRC approaches its 2025 Diamond Anniversary, we herein strive to
spotlight the extraordinary work undertaken by the PLRC’s active members,
board members, event organizers, and presidents. The PLRC especially re- cognizes the resolute leadership of its past presidents and District Govern- or. Click here for the listing.
They have not led followers. They have inspired leaders. This integrated, evolving club history illustrates its dedication to Rotary's Four-Way Test. Our club's About Us webpage thus proceeds via the PLRC’s prominent e-
vents, with a sprinkling of significant non-fundraising programs portraying the PLRC's social acumen.
Photo by Margaret Varissimo

spotlight the extraordinary work undertaken by the PLRC’s active members,
board members, event organizers, and presidents. The PLRC especially re- cognizes the resolute leadership of its past presidents and District Govern- or. Click here for the listing.
They have not led followers. They have inspired leaders. This integrated, evolving club history illustrates its dedication to Rotary's Four-Way Test. Our club's About Us webpage thus proceeds via the PLRC’s prominent e-
vents, with a sprinkling of significant non-fundraising programs portraying the PLRC's social acumen.
Photo by Margaret Varissimo
he Rotary International Presidential Citation is a special award given to Rotary clubs that exemplify certain "above and beyond" goals set by Rotary International (RI). RI’s stated goals are designed to promote a high standard of service in a club’
s community; increase club member- ship; develop sust- ainable service projects; give to the Rotary Foundation; and build awareness of Rotary in the club’s local community.
Receiving this coveted award specifically requires:
• Good standing: Clubs must be active and in good standing at the start of the Rotary year.
Receiving this coveted award specifically requires:
• Good standing: Clubs must be active and in good standing at the start of the Rotary year.
• Selecting goals: Clubs can choose at least 13 of the 25 goals available in Rotary Club Central.
• Reporting project progress: Clubs must report their achievements in Rotary
Club Central.
• Completing activities: Clubs must achieve the goals they have selected.
The Point Loma Rotary Club has won this award three times in the 21st Century. Its members thus have much of which to be proud.
• Completing activities: Clubs must achieve the goals they have selected.
The Point Loma Rotary Club has won this award three times in the 21st Century. Its members thus have much of which to be proud.
What is "Rotary?"
There are many characteristics of a Rotary club, as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. In 1976, Rotary's International Board of Directors initiated the quest to state a concise definition of the fundamental aspects Rotary. Rotary’s Public Relation Committee then decided to craft a one-sentence definition. After numerous drafts, the committee presented the following definition. It appears in var- ious Rotary publications:
“Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons, united
worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical
standards, and help build good-will and peace in the world.”
Those 31 words are worth remembering when someone asks you "What is Rotary?" This account is paraphrased from 50 Things Every Rotarian Should Know About Rotary, by Steve Garret, former District 5450 Gov- ernor. Click here, for the remaining 49 descriptions!
Rotarians can always attend a meeting, almost anywhere in the world. To locate a club, click here.
The Rotarian raison d'etre is the 80-year-old 4 Way Test its members live by. For the Test, and its evolution, click here.
Service Above Self
The motto of Rotary International, "Service Above Self," reflects its commit- ment to community service and selflessness. More than a mere slogan, it serves as a core principle that motivates Rotary members globally to put others' needs before their own. This dedication to putting service first pro- propels the organization's volun- teer initiatives, encourages teamwork, and nurtures a spirit of servant leader ship ship. By embracing "Service Above Self," Rotarians create significant positive change in their communities and the wider world, exemplifying the conviction that genuine satisfaction is found in helping others.
Inspired by a discussion between Ben Collins, president of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis, and Seattle Rotarian J.E. Pinkham during the 1911 Rotary convention in Portland, Oregon. Collins shared his club's principle of "Service, Not Self", which was enthusiastically received. In 1989, the Council on Legislation made "Service Above Self" the principal motto because it best represents the organization's philosophy of selfless volunteer service.
Rotary Endowment Fund & Rotary Foundation
There are many characteristics of a Rotary club, as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. In 1976, Rotary's International Board of Directors initiated the quest to state a concise definition of the fundamental aspects Rotary. Rotary’s Public Relation Committee then decided to craft a one-sentence definition. After numerous drafts, the committee presented the following definition. It appears in var- ious Rotary publications:

worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical
standards, and help build good-will and peace in the world.”
Those 31 words are worth remembering when someone asks you "What is Rotary?" This account is paraphrased from 50 Things Every Rotarian Should Know About Rotary, by Steve Garret, former District 5450 Gov- ernor. Click here, for the remaining 49 descriptions!
Rotarians can always attend a meeting, almost anywhere in the world. To locate a club, click here.
The Rotarian raison d'etre is the 80-year-old 4 Way Test its members live by. For the Test, and its evolution, click here.
Service Above Self

The motto of Rotary International, "Service Above Self," reflects its commit- ment to community service and selflessness. More than a mere slogan, it serves as a core principle that motivates Rotary members globally to put others' needs before their own. This dedication to putting service first pro- propels the organization's volun- teer initiatives, encourages teamwork, and nurtures a spirit of servant leader ship ship. By embracing "Service Above Self," Rotarians create significant positive change in their communities and the wider world, exemplifying the conviction that genuine satisfaction is found in helping others.
Inspired by a discussion between Ben Collins, president of the Rotary Club of Minneapolis, and Seattle Rotarian J.E. Pinkham during the 1911 Rotary convention in Portland, Oregon. Collins shared his club's principle of "Service, Not Self", which was enthusiastically received. In 1989, the Council on Legislation made "Service Above Self" the principal motto because it best represents the organization's philosophy of selfless volunteer service.
Rotary Endowment Fund & Rotary Foundation
The PLRC's Endowment Fund was incorporated in 1983. For its charitable Endowment Bylaws, click here (then click Open file). The latest available Endowment fund amount, as of June 2023, is thus $400,000! Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International, was founded in 1917. Dona- tions from all club's fund local and international projects.

What is the "Rotary Year?"
Click here for its historical evolution.
Monthly Themes
Click here for its historical evolution.
Monthly Themes