The PLRC met at the Liberty Station's USS RECRUIT, commonly known as the
Neversail, for an educational and patriotic presentation by curator Laurie Albrecht. The event brought out our friends Steve Kappes from San Diego Wound
ed Warrior Tennis Project, Ray Flores Director of Military and Veteran Affairs County of San Diego, Acting Director of the County of San Diego’s, Office of Military and Veteran Affairs, USMC veteran Mich- ael Schmidt.

Dick Thorn gave an inspirational invocation highlighting the D-Day inva- sion.
The PLRC toured the hospital ship USNS Mercy (TAH-19), at the Naval Station San Diego. This buoyant event was arranged by club member Tim McCully. While on active duty in the US Navy, Tim was Commodore, Military Sealift Command (MSC) Pacific from 2000-2002−with headquarters at the Naval Submarine Base on Point Loma.
Millions of new recruits drilled over decades on this landlocked training ship. It was opened to visitors in June, 2023, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the former Naval Training Center. The 233-foot-long structure is two-thirds the size of a Dealey-class destroyer escort. It was completed in 1949, then renovated in 1982 to resemble a modern guided-missile frigate.

These include providing emergency, on-site care for U.S. combatant forces deployed in both war and peacetime operations. The ship (and her sister ship on the East Coast, USNS COMFORT) provides rapid, flexible, and mobile medical and surgical services to support Marine Corps Air-Ground Task Forces and Army and Air Force units deployed ashore, naval amphib- ious task forces, and battle forces afloat. The ship is sailed by U.S. Merch- ant Marine civil service mariners, while the 1000-bed hospital is staffed by U.S. Navy Medical Corps personnel.
The PLRC and the Pt. Loma (branch) Hervey Library have been connected since 2000. Each week, the club donates a book obtained from the Hervey Library to the guest speaker. In April 2022, the PLRC's guest speaker, Lib- rary Director Christine Gonzalez (photo left by Robert Cenko), addressed the PLRC at the Hervey Library.

Much of the library's design follows a nautical theme. It thus includes a faux ship's hull, and an actual working periscope from the USS Flasher (photo right by Christine Gonzelez). It extends from the lower floor to the roof. Patrons can thereby enjoy a 360-degree view of the surrounding co
mmun- ity. A rotunda, with a terrazzo map of the Point Loma peninsula on the floor, was designed to be a pivot point between the library and the commun- ity meeting area.

This state-of-the-art facility holds 80,000 books and other materials. Book stacks were designed in a radiating fashion so that library staff at the cen- tral desk has visual control of most of the library. The roof forms simulate waves breaking on a beach. The Hervey Library is thus a beacon/landmark for the neighborhood that is reminiscent of the region's most notable land- mark, the Point Loma Lighthouse.
Photo by Bill S
Photo by Bill S

ment. (The San Salvador replica currently docks at and sails from the SD Maritime Museum.)
This national monument was federally established in 1913. Construction of the original lighthouse began in 1854. It is the highest lighthouse in the U.S. But its elevation would be its undoing. Its light was of- ten obscured by fog and low clouds. The Ballast Point Loma Light Station was established at the lower elevation in 1891.
Photo left by Debra Gookin/photo right by Emily Moore

tidepools. As the water moves away from the shoreline during a low tide, water and critters are trapped in these pools.
Photo left by Bill S/photo right by National Park Service
The Visitor Center is a good place to begin to explore the park. A self-guided two-mile walk through a coastal sage scrub forest begins near the Lighthouse. This trail offers spectacular views of the harbor and city of San Diego. Just south of the Lighthouse is the Whale Overlook. This vantage point offers robust views of the Pacific Ocean and the functioning Point Loma Lighthouse below. Whales are often seen from there in January and February.
* The above descriptions are edited-combined versions of the outstanding talk by Docent Jack Vallerga and the Park’s
various homepage descriptions.
Moores Cancer Center

Moores Cancer Center was established in 1978. It is one of just 56 National Cancer Institute-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the United States─and the only one in the San Diego region. Such centers are promin- ent among the leading institutions in the natio
n dedicated to scientific inno- vation and clinical excellence. This des- ignation is reserved for centers with the highest achievements in cancer research, clinical care, education and community contributions—makes an enormous diff- erence to our patients. Our cancer ser- vices were ranked #1 in San Diego, with 10 specialties ranking na- tionally by U.S. News & World Report in its 2023-2024 "Best Hosp- itals" survey. Doctors Tiriac & Lowy are pictured in the above right frame. Doctor Reid presented via zoom.
e Center’s mission is to save lives by transforming cancer pre- vention, detection and care. Its vision is to make personalized can- cer medicine a reality by creating, translating and disseminating exceptional cancer science and medicine. Its unique "bench-to-bedside" approach to cancer research and patient care supports the broadest range of cancer activities in the San Diego region. From research in molecular genetics to the most advanced treat- ments, Moores Cancer Center is at the forefront of the fight aga- inst cancer, developing promising new the
rapies and making them available to cancer patients throughout the region.*
* These initial paragraphs are paraphrased from the Center’s website descrip- tion of its services. The PLRC's former, but ever-inspirational member Jim Krause is pictured right in 2010, before he was taken by pancreatic cancer.
President Debra Gookin closed her “last gavel” with an inspir- ational speech, summarizing the Moores-PLRC dozen-year connection:
“When Point Loma Rotary Club former President Jim Krause and
his Moores Cancer Center oncology team came together to com-
bat pancreatic cancer, who could have imagined their legacy?
After Jim succumbed, who could have imagined Point Loma Rotary, together with Doctors
Lowy, Reid, Bouvet (not pictured above), would continue the fight?
* These initial paragraphs are paraphrased from the Center’s website descrip- tion of its services. The PLRC's former, but ever-inspirational member Jim Krause is pictured right in 2010, before he was taken by pancreatic cancer.
“When Point Loma Rotary Club former President Jim Krause and
his Moores Cancer Center oncology team came together to com-
bat pancreatic cancer, who could have imagined their legacy?
After Jim succumbed, who could have imagined Point Loma Rotary, together with Doctors
Lowy, Reid, Bouvet (not pictured above), would continue the fight?
Today, we saw clinical results from March and experimental data from as recently as last week.
Point Loma Rotary has been on the ground floor for a dozen years–and
thus, teaming up with
Moores Cancer Center to fight pancreatic cancer together.
Point Loma Rotary has been on the ground floor for a dozen years–and
Moores Cancer Center to fight pancreatic cancer together.
It sends shivers down my spine. Here we are, Ride The Point volun-
teers and sponsors, seeing how our work set loose the imagination of three incredible medical researchers and is transforming into creative treatments that will attack and, eventually, overcome pan-
creatic cancer.”
News of our 2024 $60,000 check presentation to Moores Cancer Center (pictured above ↑) was highlighted in the July 28, 2024 Community News segment of the San Diego Union Tribune. For that entry, click here.
San Diego Airport USO (United Service Organizations building, Aug., 2024)*
USO Mission: To strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their fam- ilies.
USO Mission: To strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their fam- ilies.
congressionally chartered, private organization, the USO relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volun- teers to accomplish our mission of connection. Left: Navigator Frank White points the way. Right: A portrait of the SD airport USO's name-sake Neil Ash.
Since 1941, the USO has been the nation’s lead- ing organization to serve the men and women in
the U.S. military, and their families, throughout
their time in uniform. From the moment they
join, through their assign- ments and deployments, and as they transition back to their communities, the USO is always available to support them.
their time in uniform. From the moment they
The USO centers function, at or near military installations across the United States and throughout the world─including in combat zones, and un-staffed USO service sites in places too dangerous for anyone but combat troops to occupy. Center Operations Specialist an tour guide Hitomi McAbee poses for a snapshot with PLRC gentry.
broad offer hospitality for traveling service mem- bers and their families. The trademark USO tours bring America and its celebrities to service mem- bers who are assigned far from home, to enter- tain them and convey the support of the nation. USO’s many specialized programs offer a contin- uum of support to service members throughout their journey of service─from the first time they don the uniform until the last time they take it off. Pictured right: medallions from the numerous commands and commanders who have visited USOSD.
day, the USO has continued to support our nation’s military and their families for over seven decades as they defend our country and its free- doms. By providing support to our servicemen and women as they perform their most challenging duties around the world, our credo is to be always by their side. Left: As James put it: "A thorn between roses."
Just prior to the onset of America’s involvement in World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to unite several service associations into one organization to lift the morale of our military and nourish support on the home front. Those entities include the Salvation Army, Young Men’s Christian Association, Young Women’s Christian Association, National Catholic Community Services, National Travelers Aid Association
and the National Jewish Welfare Board. They thus became the United Ser- vice Organizations (USO).
and the National Jewish Welfare Board. They thus became the United Ser- vice Organizations (USO).
The reach of the USO’s more than 250 centers extends to countries on every continent, operated by thousands of staff and volunteers whose goals are to match our service members’ vigilance and provide best-in-class ser- vice to those who sacrifice so much for America.
* Adapted and edited from the USO website <> with photos by Bill S.
* Adapted and edited from the USO website <> with photos by Bill S.