Oct 21, 2022
Mr. Robert Chichester and Mr. Benjamin Lawrence
Naval Base Pt Loma Enviromental Impact Study

Deb Gookin  invite  and she will presentcolleagues Mr. Robert Chichester who is the Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) Environmental Planning Department lead and Mr. Benjamin Lawrence who is the Project Manager for the NBPL Testing and Training Environmental Analysis (EA).

"The Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet, an operational force in the Pacific theater of the United States Navy (Navy), has prepared this Environmental Assessment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, as implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations and Navy regulations. The Proposed Action would allow Navy forces to continue ongoing training and testing activities on Naval Base Point Loma and improve the capability of the peninsula to support additional training and testing activities. The Proposed Action would also allow for new training and testing activities, increase tempo of some current activities, and expand training into new areas."